
How to make someone a mod on twitch
How to make someone a mod on twitch

how to make someone a mod on twitch

User 2: I AM VERY ANGRY RIGHT NOW! In the example above, the user will receive a punishment for two reasons: The message exceeds the Max. Amount of five capital letters, the word AWESOME only comprises 25% of the total message. User 1: “This game is simply AWESOME!” In the example above, the user would not get punished despite surpassing the Min. We’ll use the Mod Tool Caps Protection as an example with the following preferences settings: If a user types a message longer than this amount they will get punished. Message Length this setting is exclusive to Paragraph Protection and determines the max chat message length. Amount is reached the percentage takes control and determines if the user should be punished. Amount, it allows you to change how strict the bot is when it comes to punishing users. A user will be punished once they reach this amount. Amount refers to the maximum amount of characters, emotes, caps, and symbols that are allowed within a message. Amount refers to the minimum amount of characters, emotes, caps, and symbols that can appear within a message before the bot starts checking whether or not a user should be punished. You can also customize the message itself by adjusting Punishment Response. If you don’t want the bot to announce each time it punishes a user simply toggle this off.

  • Send Punishment Message determines whether or not the bot will send a message to the chat when the punishment is executed.
  • Punishment allows you to customize what type of punishment users will receive.
  • Auto Permit allows you to exclude certain user roles such as Subscribers & Regulars from being punished.
  • The preferences settings explained here are identical for Caps, Symbol, Paragraph & Emote Protection Mod Tools. Preferences Settings Explained (Caps, Symbols, Emote & Paragraph) Once enabled, you can customize the settings by clicking on Preferences. You can enable any of of the Streamlabs Cloudbot Mod Tools by toggling the switch to the right to the on position.

    How to make someone a mod on twitch